(Picture of PB here)
Portrayed By Pick an actor or famous (or not-so-famous) person to put here. If nothing else, use and have fun.
Position Current title.
Former title(s) If there are other titles your character has had, you can put them here just for reference.
Sex Gender here
Age Age in Turns here
Place of Birth Where was your character born?
Family List family here, and link to any who have pages.
Faction If you're doing the political thing on the game, you can put your faction here.

Character History

Tell us about your character's history here. Be as brief or as ebullient as you like.


If you want to keep track of important relationships on this page, here's where to do that.

Memorable Quotes:

This section will probably start out empty, but as you go on, link to logs and friends' characters. If you like.

Trivia and Notes:

Weird quirks and OOC notes people might need to know can come here.

<Character's> Logs


If you attach some extra photos of your PB, they'll all be listed down here.

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